Wednesday 28 December 2011

My First Blog

Alright this is my first blog I have ever written. But I have been thinking about it for a while now, and it seems like a good outlet for me to get my ideas out there, and my opinions and thoughts. And I thought I would start off with something personal and extremely important to me.

Recently I was diagnosed with Celiac disease which for those of you who don't know it means my body does not absorb gluten the way it should, and gluten acts like poison to my body. When I first heard about this, it was a Saturday in September and my Doctor had phoned me to tell me my results from blood work I had, done. I shrugged it off when he told me because he said to not worry about it until the biopsy was done and that would not be for a long time. At that point in time I was also not talking about it with friends, family anyone I kept it a secret,. When my biopsy date was three weeks away and I was eating 3 pieces of bread a day per doctors orders, I started worrying, that soon I may not be able to eat bread, and began really researching how this diagnosis could potentially change my life.
I really had no idea how much this would change my life. After my biopsy was performed I met with the specialist a few weeks later, he explained to me fully what gluten does to me, now officially being diagnosed with Celiac I was not a happy person. He also began explaining all the other potential problems that could arise if I did not adhere to a strict gluten free diet. This got me worrying how would I be able to eat out, go to friends houses for dinner because I was still not talking about it at this point. I did not want to be that person who has to have special food made, it made me fee like I would stick out like a sore thumb and I did not want that at all.
So fast forward to now just finished Christmas, and I have told all people in my life because I know that most people are understanding and get that it is not just a a diet but a complete life style change. I am beginning to understand that when I tell a lot of people they are like I was back in September and really have no understanding of how gluten changes my body.
I have been lucky and found some delicious healthy recipes and even desserts when I want them, and although there have been a few negative situations I am beginning to feel for the most part this should be a positive life change for me.

For those who want more information on what Celiac is, how to treat it, signs to look for etc. I highly suggest going to this website. I joined the association and they are amazing

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brianne,

    thanks for the comment, I hope you will continue to write and express your style here on this blog....

